Hygiene Measures

Health and safety are always the priority of Erolidae Villas for customers and staff. Therefore, taking into account the new reality of COVID-19 disease and in compliance with the directives of the European Union and the Hellenic Government regarding the management of the disease, it applies proper Prevention and Management Procedures to assure health and safety for both customers and staff.


The Prevention and Management Procedures aim to prevent the appearance and efficiently manage suspected cases to limit diffusion. Therefore, prevention and Management Procedures are reviewed regularly, following the suggestions of the competent government authorities.


The Prevention and Management Procedures include:

Personal hygiene measures

The Administration takes measures for applying proper personal hygiene steps (both by employees and third persons) in the workplace and supervises their perpetual application. In particular:

  • Informs and encourages the staff and third persons to respect all personal hygiene and prevention measures (cleansing hands, nose, and mouth cover with a tissue while coughing or sneezing, etc.).
  • Supplies proper facilities, e.g., washbasin for hand washing and required products, like antiseptic solutions and hand drying materials (disposable hand towels) for the employees and places appropriate antiseptic devices on entrances/exits, and shared areas of the accommodation,
  • Equips the staff with the proper Personal Protective Equipment (masks, face shields, gloves, safety net, etc.) according to the competent authorities’ special instructions/guidelines and decisions.
  • Trains and constantly informs the staff about the safe use of Personal Protective Equipment and supervises their proper usage.
  • Supervises the arrival of third persons (e.g., customers, partners, distributors, etc.) in Erolidae Villas to avoid crowding, establishing respect for the required distance and usage of Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Applies a program of gradual, rolling arrival and departure of employees to avoid crowding and establish respect for the required distance.
  • Trains the employees on the management of suspected case occurrence, like immediate information of the sanitary responsible and the Administration for preventing Covid-19 diffusion and proceed to the predicted isolation. In detail: a) the person remains in the room with the door closed, b) the person is immediately supplied with a medical face mask and tissues, c) if there is an accompanying person who wishes to stay with the person, he/she is also supplied with medical face mask and is recommended to wash his/her hands carefully after every contact with the suspected case without touching his/her face, d) the entrance in the room is not allowed to staff members, and there is exclusively one member of the staff that deals with the customer’s requests, e) used personal protective equipment is disposed to the special closed waste bin, f) upon the disposal of the protective equipment, hands should be washed carefully.
  • Encourages employees and customers to avoid using elevators
File and Log of Incidents
  • Keep a file of the staff and all the individuals who stayed in the hotel (name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details like address, telephone number, and email) to facilitate the immediate tracing and communication with the contact persons of eventual Covid-19 case, who settled afterward.
  • All the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation are followed, and all the customers and the staff are informed that we keep a file of sensitive personal data for reasons of public health protection.
Customers – Guests

All guests should read the «Covid-19 Management and Prevention Procedures’ Protocol» and comply with at least the following required hygiene measures,

  • Frequent hand washing and use of antiseptics and cleansers,
  • Maintain the required distance (at least 1.5 meters) from the staff and the other guests,
  • Be informed about the location of public and private hospitals,
  • In case of COVID-19 symptoms (fever/ coughing/ sore throat/ rheum or runny nose /headache /physical tiredness/shortness of breath /other symptoms), they should immediately contact the reception department of Erolidae Villas.
  • Daily change of sheets, pillows, and towels only upon request by the guest,
  • Regarding payments, credit or debit cards are recommended,
  • Non-guests – customers of Erolidae Villas are not allowed to enter the area of the accommodation,
  • The doors and windows of the rooms are recommended to stay open throughout the day for natural ventilation,
  • Crowding in Erolidae Villas areas should be avoided.
  • Upon departure, in case of COVID-19 symptoms or a positive result of a COVID-19 test, within 14 days of their departure, they should let us know as soon as possible.

All members of the hotel staff apply proper personal hygiene measures against Covid-19. In particular:

  • Frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 40 seconds, before and after contact with money or client’s objects, before food, before and after the break, after the toilet, and careful hand drying using disposable hand towels and their disposal in the waste bins. Alternatively, use antiseptic solutions based on alcohol with at least 60% ethyl alcohol or 70% isopropyl alcohol.
  • Nose and mouth cover while coughing or sneezing with tissue / alternatively, if this is not available, mouth cover by the internal part of the elbow.
  • Disposal of tissues or other materials of personal hygiene or equipment used for the disinfection of work tables to closed waste bins.
  • Avoid handshaking and, in general, close physical contact; maintain a distance of at least two meters from colleagues, customers, or third persons in all work areas, hotel areas, and rest areas.
  • Avoid touching the front part of the face mask or shield.
  • Avoid touching your face using your hands.
  • Until further governmental instructions. ALL unvaccinated employees should be self-tested, mandatorily, once a week; the results should be stated in the Statement Platform COVID-19 tests in “ERGANI” upon completing the special form “Solemn Declaration of Employees for the registration of COVID-19 TEST result”. No employee can come to work if not self-tested and submits the results.
  • Inform the sanitary responsible in case of malaise or symptoms compatible with Covid-19 infection or contact with suspected or confirmed cases and removal from the work area.
  • Stay home in case of malaise and information of the sanitary responsible.
  • Be back in the work area only if the laboratory exam is negative and after 14 days since the close contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19.
Reception service
  • Inform guests about the Prevention and Management Procedures.
  • Inform about health suppliers, public and private hospitals, COVID-19 hospitals, and nearby pharmacies.
  • Supply Personal Protection Equipment if requested by the customer.
  • Medical kit for any case occurrence, e.g., gloves and disposable masks, antiseptics, cleansing tissues, apron, long sleeve robe, and laser thermometer. The Medical kit is fully equipped and placed behind the reception area of Erolidae Villas.
  • Train the staff to recognize customer symptoms and report them immediately to the responsible sanitary person.
  • Placing antiseptic solution for use by the guests in the reception area.
  • Regular disinfection of surfaces in the reception area.
  • Regular configuration of the reception area in order to maintain distance.
  • Placing floor signaling at a two-meter distance for the customer and proper distance signaling in the waiting area. The furniture arrangement is also modified, while the individuals that expect to be helped out should be guided to reduce waiting time and maintain a safe distance.
  • Avoid crowding during check-in/check-out, and supervise the maintenance of physical distance.
  • Chance to check-in one day before arrival via email and same for check-out to avoid crowding and maintain physical distance.
  • Encourage electronic payment for accommodation fees and electronic sending of bills, invoices, and receipts (cash accepted only in extraordinary cases).
  • Expansion of check-out and check-in times between arrivals to ensure that the accommodation has completed cleaning and careful disinfection procedures and the area is sufficiently and naturally ventilated.
  • The entrance to individuals not staying in Erolidae Villas is not allowed.
Cleaning Services in the accommodation
  • Upon removing the Personal Protective Equipment, it is necessary to wash hands carefully using soap and water and dispose of the equipment in a closed container.
  • All hard surfaces, floors, chairs, handles, etc., are cleaned and disinfected using disposable cloths/tissues or cleaning paper and mops with extractable heads.
  • The rejected equipment is treated like eventual infectious material and is disposed of into special bags.
  • 0,1% sodium hypochlorite is used after cleaning with a neutral cleanser. For surfaces that use sodium hypochlorite might damage, using a 70% concentration of ethanol is necessary after cleaning with a neutral cleanser.
  • During the use of detergents, the area should be well-ventilated.
  • Avoid splashing and spraying while cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Careful cleaning and very good room ventilation are applied during the intervals between stays.
  • Supervision of the good functioning of dishwashers and washing machines is implemented, regarding the used temperature and the doses of the detergents.
  • Supervision of sufficient Personal Protection Equipment for the staff (gloves, masks, robes, closed footwear, etc.).
  • The Administration observes the clients discreetly for eventual symptoms to be handled.
  • Regarding the departures, two protocols come into effect: a) Regular cleaning and waiting 24 hours before the accommodation will become available to a new client or b) Careful cleaning – disinfection on the surfaces of the room and the bathroom.
  • Special disposable zipper covers on TV and air conditioning remote controls after their disinfection.
  • The fabric surfaces are cleaned with the help of a steam device (temperature > 70°).
  • Doors and windows are opened daily for the natural ventilation of the area.
Preparation rooms/ Kitchen
  • The kitchen staff follows HACCP rules (depiction of fridge temperatures, lists of prepared food, temperatures of hot preparations).
  • Collection of merchandise by specific staff members, always equipped with the recommended Personal Protection Equipment.
  • Respect for FIFO procedure (first in – first out).
  • Maintain distances between the kitchen employees according to the requirements of the sanitary authorities.
  • The entrance to the kitchen area is not allowed for individuals who are not working there. If this cannot be avoided, the guest is supplied with suitable personal protection equipment to enter the kitchen.
Shared areas

The following measures are applied in shared areas:

  • Good ventilation of the shared areas.
  • Antiseptic solutions (in steady or nonsteady devices) for the dry antisepsis of hands.
  • Signaling to remind the customers to maintain physical distance.
  • Furniture moved to avoid crowding in shared areas (4 persons/ten squ.met.)
  • Cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces.
Environmental measures

The environmental measures for the restriction of virus dispersion include the following:

  • Availability and placement of covered waste bins for the disposal of disposable Personal Protection Equipment, tissues, hand tissues, or other equipment immediately after their use for disinfection work surfaces and personal hygiene objects.
Management Plan of Suspected COVID-19 case

If a guest meets the defined criteria of a COVID-19 case, the following should be applied:

  • If considered necessary, the hotel’s sanitary responsible person tests for COVID-19. In case of a positive result, the competent service [EODY] is immediately informed about the case, and instructions are given for the handling of this case.
  • The suspected case should stay in the room with the door closed.
  • To a patient with symptoms of respiratory infection (coughing, sneezing, runny nose), disposable medical masks and tissues are supplied immediately.
  • Suppose there is an accompanying person for the patient, who wishes to stay with him/her to take care of him/her. In that case, he/she is also supplied with a disposable medical mask. It is recommended to wash his/her hands every time he/she contacts secretions of the patient and definitely before he/she touches face or eats or drinks.
  • Entry into the patient’s room is prohibited unless there is a very important reason. In case of an emergency, a member of the hotel staff exclusively handles the eventual suspected case.
  • The used of protective equipment is disposed of in a covered waste bin and will never be used again.
  • After the disposal of the protective equipment, hands should be washed.
Cleaning and Disinfecting the Patient’s Room
  • Good cleaning of surfaces frequently touched by the patient, mainly when stained with biological liquids.
  • The fabric surfaces are cleaned using steam (temperature > 70°).

Within the frame of the sanitary measures against the COVID-19 virus, Erolidae Villas can render the following services to customers and staff:

  • 24/7 access to the Medical Call Center for Medical Support and coordination of the required actions.
  • Opportunity to take a sample for COVID-19 virus through PCRTEST.
  • Opportunity to take a sample for COVID-19 virus through Rapid Test.
  • 24/7 availability of doctors to handle all medical incidents for employees and customers within 1 hour.